DENTALXS.COM begon in december 2002 als spin-off van de CAD/CAM afdeling van Elephant Dental als het eerste CAD/CAM zirkonia freescentrum in Nederlanden produceerde tot 500 zirkonia onderbouwelementen per dag voor tandheelkundige laboratoria in Europa. In 2007 begon het Cyrtina Academy Center met het opleiden van tandtechnici voor een “Dentician Certificate” in CAD / CAM. Van 2013 tot 2019 werden Primero kronen en bruggen, als esthetisch alternatief voor monolithische zirkonia, geproduceerd. In deze periode werden meer dan 45.000 gefineerde Primero-elementen met succes (99%) bij patiënten geplaatst. Vanaf 2019 introduceerde DENTALXS.COM het Primero Lab System, ontwikkeld voor tandheelkundige laboratoria en tandartspraktijken om gefineerde Primero-restauraties door CAD / CAM te produceren.
Willem I Innovation Award
The company was distinguished with the Willem I InnovationAward. The Willem I plaque was handed over by His Royal Highness prince Claus of the Netherlands in the Ridderzaal, the political center of the Netherlands for centuries. The medieval building was a party palace at the time, now the King reads the speech from the throne on Prince’s Day. The chairman of the jury was Dr. W. Duisenberg, president of the Central Bank of the Netherlands (DNB). (Foto: from left to right Dr. W. Duisenberg, dr. Jef van der Zel, HRH prince Claus).
Zirconia in 16 Dentin Shades
DENTALXS was the first dental company to offer consultancy on zirconia blanks in 16 cervical zirconia shades, according to the Vita Classical shadeguide. This dentin shaded zirconia acts as an ideal backing for the translucent porcelain layer. Because the translucent porcelain transmits the light to the zirconia, the appearance is, as if the color comes from the zirconia dentin core, just like natural teeth, where the color “comes from within“. The zirconia blanks can be recycled by a special treatment process and the zirconia can be re-used.
Chip-resistant Porcelain
Enamel porcelain was developed as a special three phase porcelain. One of the three phases has leucite cyrystals, that prevent “chipping“. Many conventionl porcelains for veneering of zirconia that were put on the market, are single-phase porcelains. Primero Enamel porcelain, with a balanced composition of three complimentary glass ceramics, was developed by Jef van der Zel at Elephant Dental in 1998 as “Sakura® Interaction” and has a proven clinical performance of 21 years without any chipping.
First presentation of Primero On the IDS in Cologne
On March 12th, 2014Primero crowns and bridgeswere for the first time presented at the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany, as the safe alternative to monolithic zirconia restorations, that are extremely hard and cause median cracks in the antagonist teeth. Between 2014 and 2020 45.000 Primero elements were produced for dental laboratories and dental clinics. The 6 years clinical performance of the Primero restorations was excellent: no chipping (6 years clinical study) and no deterioration of the restorations occurred. The Primero Lab System makes it possible, for every laboratory with a 5-axis milling machine, to produce, at relatively low cost and effort, esthetic veneered zirconia restorations for all indications, without the need of a ceramist. Final finishing is minimal, due to color gradients in the crown, similar to natural teeth.
Jef van der Zel, PhD, MSc started in dental material research in 1977. Research areas: metal-ceramics, press- and sinterceramics, CAD/CAM. He is best known for the development of Carrara/Golden Gatemetal/ceramic system(over 100 million units worldwide). In 1989 promotion at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), on metal-ceramic systems. Invented the first laser section scanner for the dental lab in 1990. First CAD/CAM software for crowns and bridges in 1995. Virtual articulation software in 2000. Implant planning software 2002. Developed a non-chipping porcelain for zirconia in 1999. From 2004-2014 he was extraordinary professor Computerized Dentistry at the University of Amsterdam. Research directed towards “life-like crowns by CAD/CAM” on the basis of zirconia (Primero). In 2013 a controlled clinical study of Primero crowns and bridges was started and the results after one and six years could be reported as clinically excellent. Jef is knighted in the order of the Dutch Lion. He is involved in innovative developments in ceramics and digital dentistry worldwide as international consultant. Publications:
Primero is an autatic veneering system for zirconia